We have high expectations for all our students whether they are aiming to go to university, start an apprenticeship or take up full-time employment. We provide individual support and informed advice from our experienced team of Sixth Form tutors who are given additional time to do this vital work.
All Sixth Form students should complete a UCAS application form, which includes a personal statement. This means they have a choice even if they are also considering employment after leaving the Sixth Form.
We encourage our students to aim high when making choices about universities. Students are very well-supported in order to make competitive applications to Oxford, Cambridge and other top universities as well as those wishing to apply for medicine, dentistry or veterinary courses.
We run information evenings for parents, whole days of support for students to start their applications, Careers Days where employers from various industries speak to students about what it is like to work in that industry. There is also a termly newsletter sent out to parents with all the careers and university opportunities that we have posted onto Google Classroom for them to sign up to. Please click on the banner below for the most recent update.
Some of our Sixth Form students choose the apprenticeship path after they have completed their studies, and we will fully support them should they wish to embark on that Journey. An apprenticeship is an opportunity to work and study at the same time. Most of the time is spent doing on-the-job training, and the rest is spent working towards a qualification. Apprentices get paid a salary, become part of a team, and also get dedicated study time throughout the week.
Below are some useful websites full of information, resources and current apprenticeship opportunities.
Apprenticeship FinderAmazing Apprenticeships
All Year 12 students take part in a work experience programme at the end of the summer term, giving them the opportunity to experience a professional work environment as well as insight into career options. Previous placements have included education, the NHS, marketing, film, property, engineering and finance, both in the UK and abroad. Students use Unifrog to log their work experience placements.
All students at our Sixth Form have access to the Careers Platform, Unifrog.
Unifrog brings into one place every apprenticeship, university course and college course in the UK, as well as career opportunities and School Leaver Programmes. It is an impartial, user-friendly platform that helps students make the best choices, and submit the strongest applications. If students require a temporary password, they can email Mr Dodge ldodge@orleanspark.school
There are many websites available that are full of information and resources. Below are just a few we think students may find useful: