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The House System

Why is there a House System?

The House System aims to facilitate more mixing between the different year groups, increase community spirit, peer mentoring, boost the existing rewards system, encourage more students to get involved in competitions, and develop leadership opportunities for students across the key stages. 

Our aim and vision for this academic year is to:

  • Raise the profile of the House System through a series of competitions, events and assemblies
  • Develop a sustainable structure for student leadership within the House System
  • Create a schedule of activities that can be easily replicated and developed in future years
  • All students and staff know their House and participate in House activities during the year

What does the House System mean at Orleans Park?

Identity: When students join Orleans Park they immediately identify as a member of a House. This identity stays with them and is strengthened through their engagement with House activities. This not only eases their transition into the school but draws them closer together during their time.

  • Competition: This is a healthy and integral part of the House System. The opportunity to engage in competition alongside your peers not only has academic benefits but aids social and emotional development too. Those who compete for their House buy-in to the ethos of the school and commit themselves more to academia.
  • Inclusivity: The House System is for all. All interests, abilities and characteristics are catered for and celebrated through the range of opportunities that it provides
  • Community: Students see themselves as part of a community, whether it is in school, locally or globally. Students engage in actions to benefit these communities and feel connected to the causes they are supporting
  • Collaboration: Students learn to work together in teams within their year group and vertically through the school. They learn about the different skills and abilities of others, no matter their age or background. Together they are stronger.
  • Leadership: The House System provides key leadership opportunities for students of all ages. This could include being the captain of an inter-House team, running a charity committee or leading an assembly as the House Captain.

The House Structure

House Coordinator: One member of staff who oversees the vision and annual schedule of activities that the house system provides. 

Heads of House: One member of staff per House. This is the team who organise House events and assemblies, and work with the House Captains and House Prefects. They do not need to be teaching staff.  The following members Head of House are:

  • Kew: Mr Wilkinson
  • Hampton: Mr Quantrill
  • Richmond: Mr Bibby
  • York: Mr Alves

House Captains: These are Year 12 Sixth Form students. Our current House Captains are:

  • Kew: Lia
  • Hampton: Josie
  • Richmond: Gabriela
  • York: Asya

What is House Week?

This is an opportunity for each House to earn as many House Points as possible through participation and fundraising.

The House Team organises a series of events through the week, culminating in a big event on the Friday. The events should include an element of fundraising for the House’s chosen charity and be inclusive of all students. Houses are given a small budget to buy what they need and decorate the school in the House colours.

The House Point League

In order for students to see tangible benefits to being awarded a House Point in lessons or in the community, a Tutor Group competition has been created.

Students within each Tutor Group are split into groups by their Tutor and they must give themselves a team name. Every Monday morning, the students are shown the number of House Points that they were awarded the previous week and given responsibility for adding it into a spreadsheet. This calculates which team has won the most points in the term, with a prize being awarded to each winning team at the end of the term.

House Events Calendar

Other Events

Vertical Sports

Two students of different genders from each year group compete in a competition of silly games and activities (e.g. 3 legged race). This could take place during P5 with the students coming off timetable or during KS4 lunch, with Year 7/8 off timetable. 

Curriculum Competition Week

A group of subjects is encouraged to do an activity during this week which can be run as a House Competition (e.g. Code breaking for Maths; Creative Writing for English; Robot Wars in Computing). Over the year, all curriculum subjects are represented.

Earth Day Competition

Each House must do something to benefit the natural world or environment. This can be judged by a group of staff or external visitors.

Staff Competitions

On a Friday after school once a term the staff take part in a ‘friendly’ competition. Students can watch and support if they wish, making a contribution to their House Charity in doing so.

House Music 

Students from across the school must perform a song. Points are awarded for the range of different year groups represented, the performance and the range of musical talent displayed. This will again be led by a Sixth Form or KS4 student.


During this week, each House has one day after school to prepare a meal for a judging panel. They are given a small budget to buy the ingredients and a time limit to prepare the meal. Points are awarded for year groups represented, presentation, taste and how clean the kitchen is left at the end.

Inter-House Sports

Each year group selects a mixed gender team to participate in the Inter-House sporting competition. This will be inclusive, short games run on the astro after school. Tutors are encouraged to watch and one member of the PE team will be required to supervise. The event will be run by a group of Sixth Form sports leaders, PE staff and House Captains. Points will also be awarded for students who are present to support their House, even when not participating.