Students must wear the correct uniform at all times. If there is a genuine reason why a student does not have the correct uniform, families must write a note to explain the reason why. If the reason is valid, students will be given a temporary uniform pass by their Head of Year. If no notice is provided or no valid reason is given, students may lose their unstructured time and families will be contacted.
Orleans Park School Uniform Guide
All students bringing a mobile phone to school are required to have a Yondr pouch, which is considered part of the compulsory school uniform. These pouches can be purchased through ParentPay for £22.50. Students eligible for free school meals or those under Pupil Premium will receive their Yondr pouch free of charge. If your child will not be bringing a mobile phone to school, families must contact Student Services to request and complete a declaration form.
Yondr Presentation for Families
Plain black leather and polishable shoes. Shoes must be low heeled. Boots, plimsolls or trainers are not permitted.
Simple black belts with no logos or oversized buckles.
We would ask all parents and carers to make sure that their child has a coat that actually keeps them warm and dry in bad weather. We do not allow hooded tops, sweatshirts, cardigans, tracksuit tops, oversized shirts, baseball varsity jackets or coats made of denim.
Students may not wear extreme, obviously dyed or shaved patterns hairstyles; the school is the final arbiter as to what is considered ‘extreme'.
Students are not allowed to shave patterns into their eyebrows
The colour should be white, black or maroon.
Students may wear wrist watches, a single pair of small stud earrings and one chain which must be tucked away inside the school shirt and not on display. All other jewellery is not allowed, including rings and face piercings e.g. nose or tongue piercing.
Excessive or obvious make-up (foundation, eyeliner, eye shadow or mascara and lipstick) are not permitted. Coloured nail varnish and acrylic nails should not be worn. False eye lashes are not permitted.
Please ensure that you have a suitable school bag which is large and robust enough to carry books and folders and to keep them in good order. Fashion handbags are simply not appropriate for school.
All students are given an ID card & lanyard when they initially start at Orleans Park. It is important to emphasise why the wearing of student lanyards with student ID cards is important:
Replacement ID cards and/or lanyards can be purchased via ParentPay at a cost of £2.50 each. Please click below for details on how to purchase ID cards or lanyards and the process for collection. Clear plastic card holders are not chargeable and can be collected from Student Services at any time, as these often wear out through no fault of the students.
If students do not come to school with either their lanyard or ID card they will sit a 15 minute detention after school.
How to purchase a new ID card/lanyard
Orleans Park is proud to support The Halo Code, and has now become a Halo School.
Our school champions the right of staff and students to embrace all Afro-hairstyles. We acknowledge that Afro-textured hair is an important part of our Black staff and students’ racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious identities, and requires specific styling for hair health and maintenance.
We welcome Afro-textured hair worn in all styles including, but not limited to, afros, locs, twists, braids, cornrows, fades, hair straightened through the application of heat or chemicals, weaves, wigs, headscarves, and wraps.
At this school, we recognise and celebrate our staff and students’ identities. We are a community built on an ethos of equality and respect where hair texture and style have no bearing on anyone's ability to succeed.
The Orleans Park uniform can be purchased from our supplier Stevensons, based along Heath Road in Twickenham.
Orleans Park Friends regularly have second hand uniform sales at the school. These are usually held on the Friday of the first full week of every half-term after school from 3-3.30 pm, as well as at Open Days, and are announced in the school newsletter.
Only items with the school logo are offered for sale. Donations of good quality, clean uniform items with the school logo are welcome. Please leave these at the school Reception, labelled as second hand uniform donations. New volunteers to sort or sell uniform donations are always welcome to join the team.