Our two-year Key Stage 5 curriculum is ambitious and demanding with an academic focus. The Sixth Form curriculum will, of course, focus on progress and achievement, but there is also a great emphasis on personal, social and leadership development.
Students have the opportunity to select from a broad range of subjects, developing on learning and skills acquired from the Key Sage 4. Typically students select three subjects from the following list of courses, with some students opting to study four A Levels; Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, Drama, Economics, English Literature, Film Studies, French, Further Mathematics, Geography, German, Government & Politics, History, Mathematics, Music, Philosophy, Photography, Physical Education, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, Spanish. There is also the opportunity to study the Extended Project Qualification. In designing this curriculum, we recognise the importance of preparing our students to become successful students, responsible citizens, and confident individuals.
Alongside their core A Level curriculum, Sixth Form students are taught a PSHE curriculum which is focused on issues that impact students of their age and prepare them for life after the Sixth Form, including finance education, health and relationships and preparing for the workplace. There is also a wide range of extracurricular activities and trips to support their learning, and ensure they actively engage in the school and wider local community.
The impact of our well planned and sequenced curriculum ensures that at the end of Key Stage 5 students are ready for the next stage of their journey, be that further study, beginning an apprenticeship or entering the world of work.
A fundamental aspect of the Key Stage 5 curriculum at Orleans Park is ensuring that students are well informed of the different post-18 pathways that are available to them. Students are well supported in making competitive applications for university study or apprenticeship opportunities as well those wishing to enter the world of work. Students have the opportunity to hear from a range of professionals, apprenticeship providers, attend university and careers fairs and undertake university visits.