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Key SEND Personnel
Mrs L Lenferna SENCo
Ms H Parkinson-McKevitt Deputy SENCo
Ms B Rosie SRP Manager
Ms C Stack Learning Support Teacher
Ms A Malik SEND Administrator
Mr R Blunden Parent Governor / Link Governor - SEND & Inclusion
Ms K Miller Parent Governor / Link Governor - SEND & Inclusion

Orleans Park Learning Support Department

Orleans Park School aims to ensure that all students are supported and are able to access all areas of school life including the taught curriculum, the assessment and examination system, and the extra curricular, social and sporting life of the school.

In our Learning Support Department, we are all fully committed to improving outcomes for our young people and reducing barriers.

We work with all school staff to ensure that learning in lessons and in all aspects of school life are accessible to every student. We work with the students themselves, building strategies to encourage them to be self-directed, independent and self-assured learners.

SEND Information Report 2024

Specialist Resource Provision (SRP)

The SRP at Orleans Park is for students for whom Dyslexia (SpLD) is their main presenting need. 

There are a limited number of places available within the SRP, and this is currently set at thirteen across years 7-11. Only students with an EHCP are referred to the school, and places are allocated via by the Local Authority.

What do we offer?

We provide in-class support for students with the highest needs, we do some work in intervention groups outside of lesson time. There is very little withdrawal from lessons however, as this is the most important aspect of school for all students.

Support at school is sometimes in the form of differentiated work, keeping on task or just having a safe person to turn to.  Support can be given in the following ways:

Precision Teaching Reading / Spelling
Self-esteem Groups Emotional Regulation Support
Exit / Movement Cards Social Thinking Groups
Start/End of day check-ins Safe Place / Person
Touch Typing Lunch Queue Passes

SEND Code of Practice

There are four areas of need outlined in the SEND Code of Practice. Students may have difficulties in one or more of these areas:   

  • Communication and Interaction – this includes students who have speech, language and communication difficulties, slower processing difficulties and includes students with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC), also known as Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

  • Cognition and Learning - students who have general learning difficulties or specific learning difficulties, such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia.

  • Physical and Sensory – students with visual and/or hearing impairments, or a physical need that can give rise to difficulties in accessing learning without appropriate support and equipment. A student may have difficulties with sensory processing, being under or over-sensitive or have difficulties with fine or gross motor skills.

  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health - A student may display behaviours such as having very low self-esteem or being very anxious. They may display challenging, disruptive or distressing behaviours or have difficulty in managing their relationships with other people. They may appear withdrawn or behave in ways that may hinder theirs and other student’s learning and/or have an impact on their health and wellbeing. Some students may have diagnoses such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attachment Disorder (AD).


Admissions for young people with an EHCP is through consultation and placement via the Local Authority.

We encourage all new prospective students and families to visit a variety of schools, to ensure a balanced perspective is given. 

Orleans Park School Admissions Page

EHCP Tours 

Year 5 families of a child with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), are you considering sending your child to Orleans Park School in September 2025?

If you have a child in Year 5 with an EHCP, and would like to have a tour of Orleans Park School, please email our SEND Team at learningsupportadmin@orleanspark.school.

Contact Information

For all initial SEND enquiries, please email learningsupportadmin@orleanspark.school.

SEND Policies

SEND Policy 

Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy

Accessibility Policy