Orleans Park is a cashless school, and uses a payment system called ParentPay. Purchases are paid for by a student card avoiding the necessity to bring money into school. ParentPay should also be used to pay for your child’s trips, clubs, music lessons etc.
Each student will be supplied with their own card and coloured lanyard when joining the school.
The card can be topped-up by credit or debit card using the secure online payment system, which also provides the ability to view the last four weeks’ purchases.
Lost or damaged cards/lanyards can be replaced at a cost, payable via ParentPay. Pupil premium and those in receipt of free school meals will receive any replacement cards/lanyards free of charge.
Unfortunately, the school is not able to provide credit/overdraft facilities for students. If your child has insufficient funds on their account please provide a packed lunch for them to bring to school.
Students eligible for free school meals automatically have their card credited each day, and they can use this allowance at lunchtime. The system is “invisible”, so other students will not be aware who is claiming a free school meal. Parents can top up these accounts in the same way as any other account if they want their child to be able to spend more than the free school meal allowance or to make purchases at times other than lunchtime.
ParentPay account activation codes are confirmed once your child is on roll at the school, and you will be notified of these as soon as they become available; please do not hesitate to call the school if you have any problems.
Making a payment is straightforward and ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments to view at a later date. Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away.