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Orleans Park Friends

We would like to extend a warm welcome to Orleans Park Friends (OPF), the Parent-Teacher Association of Orleans Park School.

We create opportunities for all parents, carers, teachers and pupils to come together as well as raise funds for the school to enrich our children's lives during their time at Orleans Park.

Our biggest annual events are the school Fireworks Display (November) and St Margaret's Fair at Moormead Park (July). These are extremely popular community events as well as significant fundraisers for our school, and we partner with many local businesses and schools to make them such uplifting experiences. Last year, we also hosted a "Curry & Quiz Night" in November.  Alongside these big community events we also run second hand uniform sales throughout the school year.

We also take advantage of our proximity to RFU's Twickenham Stadium in providing Rugby Parking to paying visitors at weekends on major match days.

In recent years the funds raised via OPF events have purchased a new school minibus and rowing machines, a new grand piano, established a school newsroom and news report team, facilitated extracurricular trips and events for students. OPF have also substantially contributed to refurbishing particular areas of the school such as the new Astro pitch, a recording studio for the Music Department and a sprung floor for the Drama Studio. 

How can you support us?

We thrive because of the collaborative energy of families and teachers working together to create fun events and raise vital funds. All families and teachers are welcome to attend our meetings and there are many ways, big and small, to get involved. Currently, our joint Chairs are Sandra Laville, Myrto Williams and Nicola Butler and our Treasurer is Joanna Henry. Rugby parking is led by James Gilbert-Farrell, the St.Margarets Fair by Nicola Butler, and the Second Hand Uniform team by Rebecca Farr. We are always open to new ideas and especially volunteers to get involved. Come and join one of our meetings to find out more. Meeting dates are advertised via school WhatsApp groups and on the school website.

You can also make a donation to the Orleans Park Friends fund. Please click on the link below:

Parent Pay

Second Hand Uniform

The OPF Uniform Team sell donations of second hand uniform with the Orleans Park logo to raise funds for the school.

Sales are held at the school on the Friday of the first full week of each half term, after school from 3pm, as well as events such as Open Days.

If you are unable to attend one of our uniform sales and would like to request items, or would like to volunteer, please email: uniform.opsa@gmail.com.

Donations of good quality, clean uniform items with the Orleans Park logo can be left at the school Reception at any time, labelled as donations. Unfortunately we cannot accept grey trousers or white shirts as these are not logo items.

The OPF Uniform team also welcomes new volunteers to join them to sort or sell donated uniform.

What's Coming Up?

  • Second Hand Uniform Sale: Friday 10 January at 3pm, Orleans Park School 

OPF Communication 

Welcome Year 7 Families September 2024

How can I get involved?

We are always looking for volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering, please email chair.opsfriends@gmail.com. We would love to hear from you.

Social Media

X:  @OPS_Friends

Instagram: @orleansparkfriends