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Key Stage 4 Provision

Key Stage 4

Our two-year Key Stage 4 curriculum builds upon the rich literacy, numeracy and thinking skills our students acquire at Key Stage 3.

The curriculum at Key Stage 4 is broad and balanced, with a strong focus on the EBacc subjects of English, Maths, Science, Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages.

The vast majority of students at Key Stage 4 study English Literature, English Language, Mathematics and Science (Combined or Separate Science), a humanities subject ( Geography or History) and a language (French, German or Spanish) as well as PRE,Games and PSHE. Some students will follow our flexible pathway which includes the Prince's Trust Course. In addition students select 2 GCSE options from the following subjects: Art, Business, Computer Science, Design and Technology, Child Development BTEC ,Drama, French, Geography ,German, History, Media Studies, Music, Music BTEC,Physical Education,Religious Studies, Spanish and Textiles.Students can choose to study both Geography and History and more than one language. 

In designing this curriculum, we recognise the importance of preparing our students to become successful students, responsible citizens, and confident individuals.

At the heart of our quality first teaching is well thought out curriculum planning, assessment and feedback. Teachers regularly review the curriculum to build on retrieval practice deepening student knowledge and skills. All students follow Learning Journeys for each module of work which accumulate in summative assessments and a deep marked formative assessment marked in accordance with GCSE marking and assessment criteria. Students also sit two sets of trial GCSE examinations throughout Key Stage 4, in order to hone their examination technique and to ‘put into practice’ their learning of GCSE content.

Interwoven into our Key Stage 4 curriculum offer is a careers focus, where students have the opportunity to explore different careers in depth throughout the Key Stage and make links between these careers and the GCSE subjects that they are studying. There is also a wide range of extra-curricular activities and trips on offer to support their learning and understanding.

Letter from Minister for Schools regarding high level of EBacc entries at Orleans Park 


The impact of our well planned and sequenced curriculum ensures that at the end of Key Stage 4, all students have become confident learners and have developed a deep understanding of the subjects that they have chosen to study at GCSE. This enables them to make a smooth transition to post-16 programmes of study.

Preparing Students for Post-16

A fundamental aspect of the Key Stage 4 curriculum at Orleans Park is ensuring that students are well-informed of the different post-16 pathways that are available to them via the Baker Clause. This is not just delivered via departments and in lessons, but also (and not limited to) the PSHE curriculum, during tutor time and specific ‘careers within the curriculum’ weeks, careers days, Unifrog, external speakers from colleges and apprenticeships, and the school’s careers advisor.

The school’s careers adviser meets individually for an hour with every student, to create an action plan for their post-16 applications, and students that require further support work more closely alongside the school’s careers adviser to ensure that they find an appropriate post-16 course and destination.

At the end of the Key Stage 4 curriculum all students should be confident with the post-16 courses and destinations that they have applied for, due to the level of support and guidance they receive during Years 10 and 11.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Choices

KS4 Curriculum Choices Handbook 2024

KS4 Curriculum Choices Presentation 2024

KS4 Curriculum Choices Form 2024

KS4 Curriculum Flexible Pathway Options Form 2024

KS4 Choices Student (Year 9) Assembly Presentation 2024

Parent Information Evenings

Year 11 Parent Information Evening 2024

Year 10 Parent Information Evening 2024