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Key Stage 3 Provision

At Orleans Park we have a three-year Key Stage 3, and we offer as broad a curriculum as possible.

Students are taught in mixed ability classes apart from Mathematics. All National Curriculum subjects are covered; English, Mathematics, Science, Art, Computing, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Foreign Languages, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education and PSHE. In Years 7 and 8, students also study Drama, Film Studies, Food, Textiles and Photography. We build upon the high standards set at Key Stage 2 (Primary) and work closely with our local primary schools ensuring that our Key Stage 3 curriculum is relevant, engaging and challenging. For each subject, students have a "Learning Journey" which outlines key vocabulary, what they will be learning and how they will be assessed. 

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Breakdown 2024-25

Year 9

Some subjects in Year 9 are compulsory ensuring that there is full coverage of the National Curriculum. These subjects include English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Computing, Music, Art, DT, PRE, PSHE and PE/Games. In addition students will also study Financial Literacy and at least one language ( French, German or Spanish).

However, at this stage in their education students at Orleans Park  now have some choice over the courses they study and the remainder of curriculum time is individual and personalised. Students get three option choices and the options on offer are varied as we aim to meet the needs and aspirations of all of our students. A student's choice of subjects will be determined by their aptitude and their interest and enthusiasm for the subject. The following subjects are  on offer : Business, Child Development,, Drama, Hospitality and Catering, French, German, Media Studies ,Physical Education ,Religious Studies ,Textiles and Spanish. Students may opt to study a second language if they wish to do so.

For a small number of students, we recommend our Flexible Pathway. This pathway is for invited students only, and families will be approached by the school to discuss this. Students on this pathway are provided with the opportunity to complete the Prince’s Trust Programme as an alternative to one option subject.

At the end of Year 9 students will select which subjects they wish to take for GCSE.

Half Termly Parent Planners

Students sit formal assessments in each of the subjects they study throughout the year. These assessments are taken during lesson time and in the classroom with their teacher. As a school we prioritise delivering appropriately timed feedback that focuses on moving learning forward. The below Half Termly Planners give you a more detailed breakdown about the assessments your child is currently working towards and resources to support them to be the best they can be.

Year 7 Half Termly Planner: Summer 2

Year 8 Half Termly Planner: Summer 2

Year 9 Half Termly Planner: Summer 2

Key Stage 3 FAQs

Below you will find FAQs for English, Maths and Science. Each document indicates the subject lead for that particular subject. If you have any additional questions, please contact the named teacher in the first instance via reception@orleanspark.school.

KS3 EnglishKS3 Maths

KS3 Science

Year 9 Curriculum Choices

Year 9 Curriculum Information Presentation 2025 - Coming Soon

Year 9 Curriculum Choices Handbook 2025 - Coming Soon

Year 9 Curriculum Choices Form 2025 - Coming Soon

Flexible Pathway Form 2025 - Coming Soon