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School Lockers

School Lockers - End of term arrangements, July 2024

School Lockers

Orleans Park are partnered with Secure Locker Rental Ltd to provide school lockers for our students. 

All bookings and management of the lockers go directly through Secure Locker Rental Ltd and not via the school. 

Each year group has their own allocated locker zone within the school site. When leasing a locker for your child, please ensure the correct year group is selected, taking into consideration their academic promotion to the year above if you are requesting a locker from the following September. 

All lockers have combination locks and are leased for one academic year at a time only. At the end of each academic school year (July), lockers must be emptied of all contents. The lockers are cleaned and the combination locks are re-set, and it is at this point that any contents left in a locker will unfortunately be discarded. It is the students responsibility to ensure that their locker is emptied by the last day of the summer term. 

Please click on the below link to lease a school locker. 

Secure Locker Rental Ltd

Secure Locker Rental Ltd Contact Details

If you have any questions or are experiencing problems with your school locker, in the first instance, please email:

Please note that the school is unable to fix broken lockers or allocate new ones to students. All faults should be reported to Secure Locker Rental Ltd directly.