Assessment is a vital part of the learning process and part of our culture of high expectations that realises the potential of every student at Orleans Park School. We believe that the purpose of assessment at Orleans Park School is to provide high quality feedback to students that enables them to make rapid and sustained progress.
At the start of each unit of work, all students are given a learning journey which outlines the skills they need to develop in the unit of work, keywords and the assessments they will need to complete. Teachers refer to the learning journeys throughout the unit of work to support students in being successful, as well as encouraging them to actively engage with and take responsibility for their progress over time. Learning Journeys for each subject can be found in students’ exercise books or on Google Classroom for some subjects. At Orleans Park we believe that the use of a full range of sequenced and well planned assessment opportunities raises achievement and is an integral part of the teaching and learning process.
Our Assessment Guide contains a detailed breakdown of the monitoring and reporting processes for each Key Stage. This includes the key assessment and reporting dates, information and target setting and how staff assign attitude to learning grades. Please take time to carefully read through each section that relates to your child so that you can have an informed discussion with them when you receive their reports.