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Curriculum Intent

PSHE will develop the qualities and attributes students need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society, helping students to achieve their academic potential.  Schemes of work across all Key Stages are based on three core themes: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.

Key Stage 3

Students have weekly PSHE lessons in tutor groups and the aim of the lessons is to produce successful, creative and happy learners who are socially responsible and understand their place within their local, national and global community. There is a strong focus on oracy, with plenty of opportunities for discussion within a safe environment of sensitive and challenging topics on Identity, Relationships, Healthy lifestyle, Risk, Diversity and Equality, Rights and Responsibilities, Change and Resilience, Power and Careers.

RSE within this Key Stage gives young people the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds. Students are supported to distinguish between healthy relationships and those that are distorted or harmful. They explore what makes a good friend, a good colleague and a successful marriage or other type of committed relationship.

Key Stage 4

Activities are designed to foster character traits such as belief in achieving goals and persevering with tasks, as well as personal attributes such as honesty, integrity, courage, humility, kindness, generosity, trustworthiness and a sense of justice, underpinned by an understanding of the importance of self-respect and self-worth. Students have fortnightly lessons in both Year 10 and Year 11. In Year 10, units of work cover among other topics, mental health, financial decision making and careers related learning. In Year 11 the focus is on next steps, becoming more independent and healthy relationships. PSHE messages are also delivered through assemblies, dedicated tutor times and external speakers being invited in.

RSE within this Key Stage teaches young people to understand human sexuality and to respect themselves and others. Knowledge about safer sex and sexual health helps to ensure that young people are equipped to make safe, informed and healthy choices as they progress through adult life. They are taught that unhealthy relationships can have a lasting, negative impact on mental wellbeing. They are also taught the facts and the law about sex, sexuality, sexual health and gender identity in an age-appropriate and inclusive way. All students should feel that the content is relevant to them and their developing sexuality.

Key Stage 5

Students continue to learn about issues with real-life relevance to them, at a crucial transition point in their lives. PSHE is delivered in weekly PSHE lessons. Students revisit and reinforce earlier learning through learning that ‘connects’ it to contexts that are relevant to this age group, such as the workplace. External speakers/groups are brought into assemblies to support students in preparing for life after school, be that at University or in apprenticeships, as well as in the different risks (for example becoming new drivers) that need to be identified and managed within this age group  Students are given the knowledge and understanding, skills, strategies and attributes they need for independent living and the next stage in their education or career. A key focus is supporting students with their emotional health and wellbeing, ensuring they continue to be provided with strategies for self management and signposted to where to gain appropriate support and advice.

RSE within this Key Stage encourages students to articulate their relationship values and to apply them in different types of relationships. They will explore how to remain safe forming, maintaining and ending relationships and be able to discuss the role of pleasure within intimate relationships and their understanding of the difference between ‘love’ and ‘lust’. The role of consent will be explored using scenarios relevant to their lives now and in the future. Contraception and parenthood will be revisited, with a focus on empowering students to feel able to negotiate, and if necessary, to assert the use of contraception with a sexual partner. There will also be opportunities for students to discuss bullying, abuse and discrimination within relationships of all kinds.

Where can PSHE take me?

PSHE is about ensuring you have the personal qualities, skills and knowledge to succeed and thrive in whatever field you choose to pursue in the future. A key focus in all 3 Key Stages is on careers related learning.

PSHE & RSE Curriculum Overview

KS5 PSHE Curriculum Overview