Orleans Park Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Vision
At Orleans Park we aim to develop a curriculum where teaching and learning are at the heart of what we do.
We aim to offer all students an interesting, broad and balanced curriculum: a curriculum which is carefully sequenced and planned in order to promote examination success and recognises personal achievement at all levels. We want to create successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens through a curriculum designed to accommodate the needs of all students. We provide an environment in which young people of all abilities are able to develop the skills and attitudes which will facilitate lifelong learning and prepare students to partake in an ever-changing world.
Curriculum Intent
The curriculum at Orleans Park School aims to:
- Support every student to fulfil their potential and excel
- Provide a broad and balanced education for all students that’s coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills
- Support learners in developing long lasting knowledge, remembering, understanding and applying their learning so that it is embedded into their long-term memory.
- Encourage students to form strong links within and between subject areas.
- Develop literacy, numeracy, and articulacy, so that they can critically and confidently engage with the world around them.
- Exposes students to experiences within and beyond the classroom that enriches their learning and supports their future choices.
- Support students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development so that they are well prepared for life beyond school in a world of rapid and continuous change
- Have high academic ambition for our students where they are able to be creative, critically aware, empathetic and sensitive
- Support students at Key Stage 4 to achieve the English Baccalaureate, whilst providing alternative pathways for those students where the English Baccalaureate may not be appropriate
- Encourage students to develop initiative, to be independent learners and to take responsibility for their own learning, so they can reflect on improving themselves and their community.
Curriculum Implementation
All subjects at Orleans Park School have a sequenced programme of study from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 5, which implement the aims of our broad and balanced curriculum. The guiding principles for our curriculum implementation are:
- Quality first teaching in order to support every student to fulfil their potential
- All departments regularly plan, deliver and review their curriculum
- Regular opportunities for revisiting and securing prior learning
- Additional curriculum time in English and Mathematics to develop these key skills for life
- Targeted support and additional challenge to ensure students make progress at least in line with our expectations
- Engaging enrichment opportunities for all that are embedded in the classroom as well as beyond it
- Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance is an integral part of the whole school curriculum and enrichment programme, as well as being supplemented by an independent third party provider
All lessons have four fundamental aspects to them:
- Retrieval Practice: Students learning to recall important content easily
- Teacher Input: Students being exposed to excellent teacher exposition instructing them
- Assessment for Learning: Teachers checking that students have understood taught content
- Student Application: Independent, deliberate practice to reinforce and master learning
Orleans Park Quality of Education Statement 2024-25