Equality Objectives

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Orleans Park School is aware of its responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010, and of our Public Sector Equality Duty introduced by the Act, which extends to certain protected characteristics:

  • Sex
  • Race
  • Disability
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Age (a relevant characteristic in considering duties in our role as an employer but not in relation to pupils). 

The Act gives us three general duties:

  • To eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act;
  • To advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;
  • To foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

All of our Governors and staff are made aware of the need to have due regard to these general duties when making a significant decision (including the development of policies) and to assess whether it may have particular implications for people with particular protected characteristics. 

Our Equal Opportunities Policy includes all the protected characteristics covered under the Equality Act 2010 as well as other aspects which have the potential to discriminate against or to devalue any individuals within our community. We are further committed to the development of cohesive communities both within our school’s physical boundaries and within our local, national and global environments. Our school embraces the aim of working together with others to improve children’s educational and wellbeing outcomes, and notes the rights set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

We also have two specific duties:

  • To publish information which shows we have due regard for equalities, as defined by the Act; and
  • To publish at least one equality objective every four years.  This should be specific and measurable and further the aims of the equality duty.

Equality Objectives 

The objectives which we identify represent our school priorities and are the outcome of a careful review and analysis of data and other evidence. They also take into consideration national and local priorities. They directly link to our key priorities as set out in our School Development Plan.

Our Equality Objectives for 2024-2028 are as follows:  

Equality Objective 1:  To close gaps in attainment and achievement between students for all groups of students; especially students eligible for Pupil Premium, students with special educational needs and disabilities, looked after children and students from minority ethnic groups

Equality Objective 2: To foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who don't

Equality Objective 3: To monitor and reduce the use of homophobic, sexist and racist language by students in our school. If such incidents occur, we will educate young people through our curriculum and support so that they understand and respect other people’s views and beliefs.

Equality Objective 4: To ensure that all members of staff have equal opportunities to develop their careers and feel safe and respected, with particular regard to any protected characteristics they may have.

Each priority is divided into Section 1 Quality of Education; Section 2 Behaviour and Attitudes; Section 3 Personal Development; Section 4 Leadership and Management

Publication of Information

In compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty and the setting out of equality objectives the Governing Body recognise that the information has to be updated annually, and the agreed objectives reviewed at least once every four years. They will ensure that such evidence identifies what steps have been taken and progress achieved in meeting the equality objectives set out by the school. The main vehicle for setting out the relevant information will be the school website.